NuGet Packages

Package name Description Dependencies
NClient Tools for creating clients from interfaces and controllers including third-party Castle, System.Text.Json, System.Net.Http, Polly
NClient.Standalone The same as NClient package, but without third-party Castle
NClient.AspNetCore Allows you to annotate controllers via interfaces Castle, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.* (Core, ApiExplorer, Cors, DataAnnotations)
NClient.Extensions.DependencyInjection Extension methods for registration of clients in ServiceCollection Castle, Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, System.Text.Json, System.Net.Http, Polly
NClient.Abstractions Abstractions for clients and providers -
NClient.Annotations Attributes for annotation of client interfaces and controllers -
NClient.Providers.Resilience Polly based resilience policy provider Polly
NClient.Providers.HttpClient.System System.Net.Http.HttpClient based HTTP client provider System.Text.Json, System.Net.Http
NClient.Providers.HttpClient.RestSharp RestSharp based HTTP client provider System.Text.Json, RestSharp