Client for non .Net service

If you do not have the source code of the ASP.NET web service or you want to send requests to the non .Net service, then you just need to create an interface that describes the service you want to make requests to. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install NClient on client-side

dotnet add package NClient

Step 2: Create interface for your service

public interface IProductServiceClient : INClient
    Task PostAsync([BodyParam] Product product);

Step 3: Create client

IProductServiceClient client = NClientProvider
    .Use<IProductServiceClient>(host: "http://localhost:8080")

Step 4: Send an http request

// Equivalent to the following request: 
// curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data "{ id: 1 }" http://localhost:8080/api/products
await client.PostAsync(new Product(id: 1));